Delving in to the website is one way to begin a conversation about TAH. It is highly organized, user-friendly, and rich with resources. Starting with the School Day Seminar tab- we can show others that by clicking on the title- frameworks and other standards come up. As many departments are now working hard to align the Common Core, these standards can be of great help. The topics can really help teachers as they try to work out narrowing down topics and deciding which angles to use as they teach. There are many readings and other resources that can be used by all. When teachers are evaluating the content as well as the strategies, they can see the outstanding credentials of all the presenters and their materials.
The tab by the History Book Group works in much the same way. Many social studies teachers are avid readers and could use the site as a recommended reading list- and get several ideas for using the books in their classes. The topic range is vast- yet sticks to the global theme of the year. All levels of U.S. history can use items from this list. There are also primary sources, strategies and assignments that many could adapt to their classes. '
Technology and General Web Resources is a tab that is way more powerful than its name implies. There are websites that can be used by teachers with very formal teaching styles as well as those who are more flexible. Creativity, audio, video, content, student engagement, classwork, homework, projects etc. can all be addressed by using the resources here. Teachers as well as students will find these resources helpful.
Most teachers will find lesson plans by our own colleagues under the Lesson Plan tab. There is a wide range of topics, teaching styles, differentiated lessons, and grade levels addressed here. The lesson plans meet strict criteria and include frameworks and other standards, essential questions, and day be day instructions. They are designed to be picked up and used by any teacher. I suggest all take a peek and uncover some jewels!